Mastodon is a federated platform inspired by twitter (maybe). it is open source, open data format, and more or less surveillance free. Because this approach, conversations are more civil and often much more interesting than on big-tech-owned social media platforms. Unfortunately, current Mastodon clients make it hard to participate in these conversations, as they are shown as long linear lists, while they are often hierarchical.

The goal of this bachelor thesis project for a small team, or master thesis for one student is to design, implement and evaluate an iPad client based on a discourse visualization developed for the reddit client biscuit for reddit ca. 10 years ago (also in the course of a master thesis). The design has to be adapted to the unique affordances of Mastodon. Necessary hardware (iPad etc.) can be supplied by us.

If successful, the app can be maintained as a shared (commercial) project beyond the scope of the thesis.
