SAD project aka »Surveillance Awareness Database« project is a social media/art project conducted to invoke discourse about the growing dichotomy between the (voluntary) social media overpublishing and (in- voluntary) surveillance of public space with video cameras. While surveillance has been a focus of technology and art projects for some time now, social media overpublishing is still a rather young term that has had little attention from the art scene. 

SAD users embark on a tightrope walk between the exposure to privacy intrusion through surveillance cameras and the often inconsiderate neglecting of privacy that can be observed in social media contexts. The software is realized both as a mobile app and as a social media web site. The project plays with different forms of monitoring - external surveillance via CCTVs, the sousveillance potential of mobile phone technologies, and voluntary self-surveillance via social software.

SAD project is part of the Ars Electronica Center's permanent »Out of Control« exhibition.